Cares for what matters: The new S-Class.
No matter if you are a Grammy-winning superstar, a 7-time Formula 1 champion or a tennis legend: in the end it’s all about being there for your loved ones and taking care for what really matters. And that’s exactly what Alicia Keys, Lewis Hamilton and Roger Federer do - as well as the new Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

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Alicia Keys x Roger Federer x Lewis Hamilton.
They are not just testimonial assets, nor are Alicia Keys, Roger Federer and Lewis Hamilton just their professional achievements. Each superstar deeply cares for the important things: being there for others and taking care of those around you.
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S-Class motifs: New luxury.
The new S-Class motifs are a symbol of “New Luxury”, in a modern, minimalist and iconic way. In doing so, removing itself from the old “S-Class world”.

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