The core idea of antoni is focus and dedication. That is why each client gets an own, tailor-made antoni agency.
Because we believe that concentrating on one client leads to real transformation.
That means: our people from antoni_garage (now team x) fully concentrate on Mercedes-Benz, 24/7.
The team of antoni_jellyhouse works only on Katjes, and the same for antoni_boost for Kärcher.
antoni_giga just gets calls from Vodafone, antoni_heaven is dreaming with and our latest baby antoni_99 focuses on ALDI.
All fully customized and committed, but no pitches at all.
Want to know more? We look forward to hearing from you.

antoni Holding GmbHMünzstraße 13
10178 Berlin
- Tel: +49 30 848596-0
- Fax: +49 30 848596-501
- E-mail: [email protected]
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